Broad, Deep, Hands-on Experience
Iteris, along with the majority of our team members, deploy smart mobility infrastructure management solutions for our clients across the globe. Together, we serve federal, regional, state, local, tribal, commercial and international clients across transportation and non-transportation sectors.
We understand the needs, challenges, and opportunities for intelligent transportation systems (ITS) research and development from multiple perspectives (e.g., practitioner, executive leader, elected official). We bring hands-on experience in the entire lifecycle of ITS from research and development to deployment, evaluation and training.
Our team members have supported program management and project execution for counties, cities, and states throughout the country as well as the federal government, foreign countries and international consortia. Our experience provides insights into success and challenges encountered in research, development, implementation, and operations within the public sector and private sector.
These experiences provide a foundation to anticipate issues and mitigate them beforehand and if they are encountered. Our familiarity with local ITS partners ensures we can deliver products that meet their needs.
Unmatched Expertise in Smart Mobility Infrastructure Management
Iteris has assembled a team of experts and professionals to provide our public-sector and commercial enterprise customers and partners with decades of real-world experience in ITS and connected and automated vehicle technologies across disciplines.
Our team understands the advanced technologies driving smart mobility forward. We also understand the needs of federal, state, regional and local agencies, as well as commercial partners, and the challenges they face regarding the application of technology solutions to better manage the complex ITS environment.