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MobilityU Webinars

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A Revolutionary View of the Roadway: Improving Safety and Congestion with On-Vehicle Cameras and Data Analytics

Explore how dashcam imagery—coming soon in ClearGuide®—can confirm incidents, weather events, roadside construction, and more to help agencies manage traffic and improve roadway safety across the U.S.

ClearGuide Volumes: Traffic Volume Data Analytics for Planning and Operations

Explore Iteris’ latest add-on to ClearGuide® traffic analytics: ClearGuide Volumes, which introduces 15-minute interval probe data-based volume estimates powered by ClearData® to help agencies make even more precisely honed planning and operations decisions, as well as easily produce many new types of critical reports.

Introducing Vantage PedSafe – A New Solution for Pedestrian Safety

Introducing Vantage PedSafe™ – an innovative pedestrian safety system designed to protect vulnerable road users (VRUs) with advanced detection, real-time analytics, and integrated safety applications.

Iteris ClearGuide® Signal Trends – Transforming Intesection Management

Discover more about the new analytics software solution that captures traffic movement data at the intersection using anonymized probe data, without the need for in-field hardware or sensor connectivity.

Navigating Road Safety

Learn how Iteris and HERE Technologies partner through ClearGuide® to make roadways safer without compromising travel times.

Transforming Work Zones in Texas

The combined power of’s Live Link solution and Iteris’ ClearGuide® mobility analytics software is transforming the way work zones are managed in Texas. Learn how your construction projects can benefit from these state-of-the-art innovations.

Managed Services - Part 4: A New Approach to Transportation Maintenance Management

Learn about Iteris’ innovative approach to managing transportation maintenance-related activities and system assets to increase uptime reliability, increase trouble call efficiency and decrease unsafe field visits.

Managed Services – Part 3: Next-Generation Asset Management for Intelligent Transportation Systems

Learn from Iteris experts as they dive into asset management for intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and traffic signal assets and what agencies can do to reduce costs, enhance safety and improve efficiency.

Managed Services – Part 2: Iteris Year One Initiative™ - Helping Agencies Create a Sustainable Traffic Management System

Find out how to keep signals as efficient and optimized as they were in the first year of a traditional retiming effort.

Managed Services – Part 1: Revolutionizing Work Zone Closure Planning with Real-time Data

Explore maintenance of traffic (MOT) and find out how Iteris performance-based MOT is delivering results in the real world. This webinar is intended for transportation agencies, contractors or designers responsible for overseeing, implementing or planning work zones.

Vision Zero: How Technology is Making a Difference

Learn the importance of addressing safety risks in a holistic manner and discover technologies and strategies to help identify safety issues, implement attainable solutions and assess results.

Leveraging Emerging Technology Solutions for Freight Operations

Learn about freight-focused technology applications from a holistic perspective, including solutions centered on the truck and those that are focused on infrastructure, traffic management and safety.

Panel Discussion: Statewide Connected and Automated Vehicle Initiatives

Experts from the Minnesota, Utah and Virginia departments of transportation share specific initiatives and discuss the importance of CAV readiness, funding, technology, and private and public partnerships.

Decision Zone Detection and Red Extension with Vantage Vector

This technical training is intended for traffic engineers and traffic signal technicians to better understand the design, setup, and operational effect of decision zones and red extension with Iteris’ Vantage Vector hybrid video and radar sensor.

Regional Solutions for Safety and Mobility

Learn how planners and operators are using hardware and software to improve safety and mobility within their respective regions.