Iteris is ushering in an era of smarter, more sustainable transportation and mobility
Smart mobility infrastructure management offers a vision of seamless, integrated urban transport, with the added benefits of efficient resource management, greater cost savings and better air quality, and Iteris is leading the way.
By reducing delays and stops as part of traffic signal timing projects, improving the efficiency of public transit via signal priority programs, reducing time spent roadside for heavy-emitting commercial freight vehicles during inspection, to name just a few examples, Iteris’ industry-leading portfolio of smart mobility infrastructure management solutions is currently helping cities and states to reduce their carbon footprint.
Moreover, Iteris’ flexible delivery models – including SaaS, cloud-enabled managed services, data as a service and platform as a service – uniquely position the company to scale those positive impacts over the medium and long term to achieve our mission of making mobility safe, efficient and sustainable for everyone.
To learn more about how Iteris is working with public and private-sector partners to decarbonize mobility, read our white paper.
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