LIVEBLOG: ITS World Congress 2017

One of the most important events in any intelligent transportation enthusiast's calendar is ITS America's annual World Congress, which this year is being held in Montréal, Canada in conjunction with ITS Canada.
As ever, the ITS World Congress attracts global leaders in intelligent and transformative transportation, who will be showcasing and evaluating the latest innovative concepts, active prototypes and live systems all week.
Iteris will be liveblogging the event over the next four days, so keep checking back here for updates:
Thursday, November 2nd
1:00PM (ET)
Glenn Havinoviski and Cliff Heise show off Iteris road sensor technology. That's Vantage Vector on the right and Vantage Next on the left.
11:00 AM (ET)
Great to see our partners at HERE Technologies showcasing iPeMS at their booth earlier today.
Wednesday, November 1st
4:00 PM (ET)
Special thanks to Andrew Zadra and Scott Godfrey, our Canadian partners from GGI.
3:30 PM (ET)
Iteris' web-based data service, VantageLive!, drawing attention – users can view activity at their intersections by automatically collecting and analyzing vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian data
3:00 PM (ET)
Attendees in deep debate at the Iteris booth...
<iframe allowfullscreen="" class="giphy-embed" frameborder="0" height="270" src="https://giphy.com/embed/l4EoOcuGchn3CRVv2" width="480"></iframe>
1:00 PM (ET)
Demos on demos. Thank you to everyone who signed up and attended!
10:00 AM (ET)
Our on-street demos of vehicle, bike and ped detection are getting busier by the day... Reserve your slot now.
Tuesday, October 31st
Day Two Highlights
- We had so many positive interactions with likeminded ITS and smart city enthusiasts today. Dialogue on smart city initiatives with our partners is essential if we are to remain a leader in this evolving space.
- One thing we heard again and again: rapid urbanization and global warming solutions are driving smart cities.
- Still on the agenda: the need for big data and analytics in the drive to leverage data instead of antiquated loops.
3:30 PM (ET)
Iteris associate VP for Transportation Systems, Glenn Havinoviski, recaps his session on ITS planning activities with a focus on the future of connected vehicles.
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rZphUHH499w?rel=0&showinfo=0" width="560"></iframe>
3:00 PM (ET)
John Lower moderates a panel that answers the question: "What's Driving Smart Communities?"
11:00 AM (ET)
Iteris chief marketing officer Joe Boissy speaks to John Lower and Adam Lyons about their experiences at this year's ITS World Congress so far.
Learn why smart communities are one of John Lower's main passions, as well as his vision for "highly connected vehicles".
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/uUu7Pein8dA?rel=0&showinfo=0" width="560"></iframe>
9:30 AM (ET)
Ian Sinclair from our Canadian partner GGI test-rides a bike during our on-street demo as onlookers monitor the detection live.
9:00 AM (ET)
Day two of our live on-street demos of vehicle, bike and ped detection are underway! There are still some slots available here.
Monday, October 30th
Day One Highlights
- The opening ceremony was fantastic – kudos to all involved! Especially incoming ITS America president and chief executive officer Shailen Bhatt, who set the tone for the entire week.
- There was a lot of talk on "the honest truth about connected vehicles" and the difficulties many are facing in actually implementing them – due in part to different countries having different lane structures, lanes not being visible when it snows, etc.
4:00 PM (ET)
Senior systems engineer Tom Lusco recaps his session on international standards of harmonization:
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Yl3ASW6Gh9I?rel=0&showinfo=0" width="560"></iframe>
1:00 PM (ET)
Our transportation guru John Lower knuckles down to get some work done. Singapore 2019 anyone?
12:30 PM (ET)
There are still some slots available for our on-street demonstrations! Sign up here.
11:30 AM (ET)
Our live on-street demonstrations of vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian detection are underway!
Located just outside the Palais de Congres, it is a short four-minute walk from the tradeshow floor...
Attendees see first-hand how our video detection sensors detect objects and provide necessary outputs for safety applications.
9:27 AM (ET)
SPOTTED: our very own Adam Lyons snags the centerfold spread in the Day 1 Newsletter.
Read the full article here.
9:00 AM (ET)
Incoming ITS America president and chief executive officer Shailen Bhatt speaks alongside Chris Philp, director, transportation at CIMA+, and chairman and CEO of ITS Canada.
8:30 AM (ET)
Claude Carette, director of infrastructure, roads and transportation at the City of Montréal, and chair of the ITS World Congress 2017 Organizing Committee, takes the stage.
Sunday, October 29th
9:30 AM (ET)
The Iteris booth is setup and ready. Come visit us at booth #1909!
About the Author:
David Sadeghi is digital marketing manager at Iteris.
About the Author