Join Iteris in Taking the MobilityXX Pledge to Increase Women in Transportation by 10% in 10 Years
Iteris is proud to announce its commitment to fulfill the MobilityXX pledge to take direct action to help increase the number of women in the transportation industry by 10% over the next 10 years.
MobilityXX, which launched today, and for which Iteris is proud to be the presenting sponsor, is a partnership of the Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America), The Ray and WTS International Foundation that seeks to engage the broader transportation industry to increase the number of women from all backgrounds in the transportation workforce.
Iteris joins MobilityXX in calling on all organizations in the transportation industry to become part of a community that is committed to giving more women a seat at the table by pledging to complete two or more action items over the next year that promote diversity, and increase the number and influence of women within your respective organizations.
The facts
Women comprise only 15% of a 14.8 million transportation workforce, and even fewer are in executive and decision-making roles, according to a Mineta Transportation Institute study. That same study found that attracting women to non-traditional female industries relies on the perception of the diversity of the organization, early connections with students, incentives, flexible workplaces, a welcoming culture and connection to congruent communal goals.
Gender diversity requires intentionality
Successfully promoting women in the transportation industry requires opportunities for advancement, availability of role models (especially female ones) and retaining women in transportation industry can be related to actual workplace culture, clear steps to advancement and availability of ongoing mentorship and succession planning.
Why is this important?
U.S. Census data show that from 2005 to 2019, the proportion of women in transportation occupations only increased by 3%. Additionally, access to transportation is directly linked to economic opportunity; and yet, women are at a considerable disadvantage:
- Women spend more on transportation than men as they balance work, home, and family trips
- Women’s safety concerns reduce their transportation options
- Women’s economic opportunities are reduced because of inequities in transportation
Why take the pledge?
In order to effectively solve the complex challenges of the transportation industry, all perspectives are valuable and essential – including yours. To help achieve the goal of increasing the number of women in the transportation industry by 10% over the next 10 years, Iteris welcomes your organization to take the MobilityXX pledge and commit to making a difference.
For more information and to sign the pledge, please visit the MobilityXX website.
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