Bentonville: A New Global Headquarters

Over the past 20 years, Bentonville has transformed itself from a relatively unassuming Arkansas town to a bustling center of commerce and culture, making it a community of choice in Northwest Arkansas and the fastest-growing city in the state.
With rapid new developments and a thriving tourism economy, Bentonville's traffic management team is challenged with easily and efficiently tracking and planning for population growth as well as daily fluctuations in its heavy commuter traffic.
Bentonville is also the historic home of Walmart and the Walton family, and houses the company's global headquarters. And in May 2019, the company announced plans to build a new headquarters campus on a 350 acre plot located near the city's downtown district.
In order to plan for and address potential traffic pattern changes both during construction and in response to impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, Bentonville's traffic team uses video detection and VantageLive! for traffic data collection, using real-time traffic data to adjust signal timing as needed and providing accurate reports to developers of the new Walmart HQ. Construction is expected to be complete in 2024.
Don't miss the rest of this four-part series highlighting the City of Bentonville's use of video detection and real-time traffic data. Watch it here.
Want to learn more about Iteris video detection and multimodal traffic data collection? Get in touch.
About the Author:
David Sadeghi is senior manager, digital marketing at Iteris.
About the Author